Monday, May 05, 2008

I created Captain Biorhythm


I created Captain Biorhythm 1976 to inspire skateboarders to wear safety equipment and learn biorhythms to cut down on accidents and injuries and optimize their performance.

After spending 3 years taking care of my mom and 4 years taking care of my dad 24-7, there is a big hole in my life. Getting up a couple times a night to change diapers, get water, adjust night clothing, pray with them to help them overcome nightmares, dealing with no sense of time or what day it was, etc. was a daily sleep, emotional angst, constant depression.

I never could have made it without my right brain hero personality Captain Biorhythm. He really came through during the most difficult times...encouraging me when there was no hope, calming me during the times of great FEAR that appeared during all the near death events and trips to the emergency ward, helping me make the decisions to keep them alive when it would have been easier to let them die and providing joy when sorrow oppressed me like a soaking blanket.

Understanding the ups and downs of biorhythms really helped me with my own daily attitude adjustments. Also, by tracking the biorhythms of everyone in the family, it was much easier to help others deal with the gravity of each catastrophic event and the sorrow of the many mini-crises. Biorhythms was particularly valuable in determining the course of therapy and intelligent drug administrations.

I am sure other Babyboomers will be benefited by discovering their own hero within to help them go through what I have just experienced. I feel it is time to call Captain Biorhythm back out of retirement to help the people of my generation that are being crushed by dying parents on one side and returning children and grandchildren with lives that have failed for a multitude of reasons.

The heroes interviews I have done over the last 16 years have taught me so much. Having heroes share their answers to the heroes questions has helped more than you can imagine. Because of their wisdom and willingness to share it has helped me understand how to be a hero on a daily basis...most of the time (-:

After all, you are a hero some of the time, but not always.

It is a true journey. Few realize the steps along the pathway or understand where they are on their own heroes' journey. One book really helped me understand my life since I created Captain Biorhythm 1976 to inspire skateboarders to wear safety equipment and learn biorhythms to cut down on accidents and injuries and optimize their performance.

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